Thursday, August 30, 2012


If you sweat more than most people, consider products designed to combat this problem. These grooming products include sweat block pads, which are cloths that have been presoaked in industrial-strength antiperspirant."

As larger, hairier, more muscular beings than women, men tend to sweat a lot more. While women don’t (usually) have to consider this bodily process in relation to their wardrobe, for many men, sweat and body odor is more than an unpleasant sensation -- it can actually ruin clothes. What’s the point of shelling out big bucks for a dress shirt you love if it’s going to be stained with sweat a month later?

Luckily, we’re here to help you learn how to sweatproof your clothes so that you can go ahead and buy that shirt you had your eye on and maintain your cool 

Soak your clothes

If you sweat a lot during the day, learn how to wash your own shirt. Soak your dress shirt in extremely cold water as soon as you get home, and apply a stain remover to the armpits. One trick to really get stains out is to turn your shirt inside out and apply the stain remover to the inside of your shirt. This works better than applying a stain-removing product to the outside of your shirt because you’re trying to lift the stain out of the fabric, not rub it further into the fibers. Leave the product on for a few minutes and launder your shirt as soon as possible, or at least rinse it in ice cold water again. If your shirt is white, bleach it every now and again or, alternately, throw in a teaspoon of cream of tartar (available in the baking aisle at your grocery store) with your regular laundry detergent to help keep your whites white.

Remove excess body hair

Think about it: Your antiperspirant needs to come in contact with your skin in order to effectively protect against body odor and control sweating. This is a problem when your armpit hair becomes exceedingly long and, as a consequence, acts as an obstacle between the product and your skin. Take control by maintaining your body hair. We're not suggesting to join your wife at her next bikini wax appointment, but a little trimming goes a long way.

Choose the right shoes

In attempting to sweatproof your clothes, don’t wear canvas shoes as these will make your feet sweat like crazy and your shoes smell like you live in a swamp. Instead, wear leather shoes or sandals if you can, as they breathe more and, therefore, decrease foot sweat and body odor. Once you’ve purchased appropriate footwear, you’ll also need to treat them properly. Consider slipping a moisture-absorbing insole into your shoes to further reduce bacteria and odor.

Try to rotate your shoes as well so that you’re not wearing the same pair every day. Doing so gives your shoes a chance to air out, as long as you don’t bury them in the bottom of your gym bag or closet that is. Although you should avoid wearing the same shoes day after day, do change your socks daily to avoid contracting a fungal infection that thrives in moist, sweaty and bacteria-ridden conditions. Lastly, every now and again, give the inside of your shoes a quick spray with a shoe deodorizer or use an OTC foot powder to help absorb sweat.

no sweat!

Sweating is a natural process and it’s hard to stop this bodily function entirely. However, if it bothers you or you feel like perfectly decent clothes are being ruined because of it, implementing a few of these tips should go a long way to helping you keep your cool all day long.

Keep it cool,


Saturday, August 4, 2012

Got me some new stuff.

Hey fashion lovers,

I went shopping today to get first pick at the new stuff the stores had.
My main mission was to find a bag for school and matching sneakers.
Well let me tell you, after hours and hours of searching for the perfect bag it was a complete failure.
Whenever i asked for a schoolbag they kept showing me these cartoon themed bags.
I mean come i look like a 10 year old????

So i kinda gave up on the bag and start searching for  sneakers.
I went to my favorite store where i know they sell IMPULSE sneakers.
And i was glad that i find the perfect pair.

When i got home i remembered i had a bag that i never wore because i did not have the sneakers to go with it.
Well they made a perfect combination.

So remember to look in your unused stuff and check what can work for you before you go shopping.
you might find a pleasant surprise.

Clothes are next on my list.
Wish me luck!

Store: Hizz Fashion


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Back  To School Fashion: Schoolbags

Keeping on the back-to-school fashion subject I decided to look around for fashionable yet functional schoolbags.

To have a killer first day of school outfit your whole entire look has to be in harmony.
And of course a schoolbag is a must!...I mean you need to put your books, and necessities somewhere.
So I Chose a few examples what in my opinion are very stylish Schoolbags that has that fresh and funky feel but are yet appropriate for school.
But before we get to that I have a few tips before the purchase of a new schoolbag and the usage.

Buy the right size bag
According to a recent study published in Australian Spine, almost 80 per cent of students say their bag feels too heavy. That means not buying an over-large bag to save money, hoping it will last longer, but to purchase a bag that's appropriate to your size. Experts also recommend buying a backpack, rather than a bag that's carried, or slung over one shoulder, as the latter can cause back and shoulder problems. 

Pack a schoolbag correctly

Try to find a bag with a few separate compartments to help with packing. That way you'll be able to position the heaviest items next to your back, slotting books and lunch boxes firmly into place, so items don't move around in transit. If they do, a badly-packed bag can shift your center of gravity and potentially cause back pain. A drink bottle holder outside the bag is a good idea to save spillage and damp school books.

Don't overload a bag
A backpack should weigh less than ten per cent of your weight, so around 5kg for a 50kg person. Seeing as that only equates to a few books and a large lunchbox, many students are carrying more weight than is healthy. 
Evaluate what is the most important things to carry with you and what you can leave at home.
Or if your school has a locker put everything in there and carry what you only need for that period. You might walk allot back and forth but at least you will be avoiding back pains and unneeded stress.

So go out there and look for the best schoolbag that suits your personal style and needs.

Confidently yours,

Valdemir Valerius

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What to wear...on the first day of school

Hey my swaggerpeepz,

Summer is all but over and the days are closing in for the first day of school.
The first day of school is the first appearance you have after a good while - make it a good one, because first impressions matter.
Here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing your big debut ensemb:
  • Keep things simple and classic, nothing in-your-face or over the top.
  • It's okay to be a little trendy, but you have to adapt the trends to your personal style, or you'll end up looking like a major trend-chaser.
  • Put on the confidence! If you don't have it, fake it. When you aren't doubting yourself, no one else will doubt you or your clothing choices.
Create the outfit
The idea behind a great first-day-of-school is a killer ensemble. Just make sure you can back up your outfit and will keep your dressing pattern consistent - don't wear an ultra trendy, right-off-the-runway look and then turn around and wear simple jeans & a t-shirt combo the rest of the year.

Look good, but nothing too dressy or attention-grabbing (only exception is if that's the look you're going for the whole school year!).

For the ladies,
 ·         Chic & understated: Zip Front Military Jacket ; Washed  Jeans Tote Bag ; Stripe Ruffle Shoulder blouse ; Skinny Jeans ,Red  Floral Scarf;Flat Black.
If you want to tone it down, remove the scarf and roll up the  sleeves of the jacket for a more effortless look.

And for the guys with swagger I present to you a new take on hoodies.
Black cotton made hoodie; White T-shirt; Brown leather belt; and dark wash jeans.
For you as well if you would like to tone it down remove the white t-shirt and roll up the sleeves of the hoodie.
As for shoes i would suggest denim Impulse high tops.
I personally have these in my high tops collection and they are AMAZING. Perfect if you want to pull some extra attention and have all eyes on you.

Important stuff
Your school necessities should be funky and fresh, just like your style.
Search for cool versions of old classics
Check  office supply stores for stylish paper and pens, notebooks, agenda’s etc.
Remember to always be unique and color coordinate or set a theme for your school necessities.

The rest of the week
Okay, so you get the first day over with while wearing a completely amazing outfit. But now you have the rest of the week to worry about!
Make a point that you don't get all dressy  the first day, and then every other day wear simple and frumpy.
I suggest that the whole week (although I normally plan the entire month, yeah, it's an obsession!) is planned out in outfits.  That way you can focus on what school is really about - homework and important stuff  (don't forget friends, socializing.).

Confidence is the most important piece of fashion.
Wear it GOOD!
